Enjoying Work

‘I don’t enjoy studying,’ said Rahul. ‘I cannot understand how people do things they do not


‘Yes,’ said Rinku. ‘It would be great if we could only do things we enjoy right bhaiyya?’

‘What you enjoy can also become boring if it becomes ‘work’,’ said Rakesh. ‘For example, you

may enjoy playing basketball but if you have to practice hard every morning and evening it

might not be enjoyable anymore. Or you like gaming and it becomes a job, you may not enjoy it

as much. So it’s not only about what you’re doing, but knowing the secret to enjoying ‘work’,

that leads to real enjoyment and success.’

‘Are you saying we can also enjoy boring things like studying?’ asked Rahul.

‘Yes,’ smiled Rakesh. ‘In fact many things that bring you success are what you might call

‘boring’. To become an expert at your ‘work’ you have to put in conscious, regular, hard work

that is always beyond your comfort zone. Doing mindless work does not bring improvement.’

‘So what’s the secret that makes ‘boring’ things interesting?’ asked Rinku.

‘Mindfulness,’ said Rakesh. ‘Mindfulness is nothing but bringing your full attention to the

present moment. When you bring complete attention to whatever you are doing you become

fully aware of what’s happening. You see things with fresh eyes, without bringing in the past or

the future. Thoughts like ‘I didn’t do well last time’ or ‘I will fare badly in tomorrow’s exam’ do

not drain your time and energy. When you are fully mindful of the present, there is no need to

worry about the future. Success comes from doing every task mindfully, with all your attention.’

‘Hmm,’ said Rahul. ‘But can we be mindful about boring work also?’

‘ According to Thich Nhat Hanh, the well known Zen Buddhist teacher, work is an expression of

our being,’said Rakesh. ‘It is not separate from your life. Your work and your home are

connected. So you must find your home at your work.’

‘Whoa,’ said Rahul. ‘I don’t think I can find my home in my work. For me work and and play

are separate.’

‘If you do not enjoy your work you may not reach your full potential at it,’ said Rakesh. ‘Instead

of going into work or study with an attitude that says you do not enjoy it, why don’t you try

mindfulness? You could start enjoying your work and even end up being good at it.’

‘Worth a try,’ said Rinku. ‘How can I bring my attention to the present moment bhaiyya? My

mind keeps wandering off.’

‘Focus on your breathing as you do your work,’ said Rakesh. ‘By breathing mindfully you unite

the body and mind. The moment you bring body awareness, you become present.’

‘But bhaiyya, if we do not think of the past and the present how can we plan?’ asked Rinku.

‘How can we organise ourselves efficiently?’

‘According to Zen Masters, the secret to success is non-thinking,’ smiled Rakesh. ‘It’s

paradoxical but what they mean is that when we eliminate thoughts that are fear-based and

rooted in past and future thinking, we give full attention to what’s before us. Mindfulness quitens

these unnecessary thoughts which lead to poorly made plans and instead, presents you with a

clear direction leading to deliberate, purposeful action.’

‘I’ll give it a shot,’ said Rahul. ‘How do we practice mindfulness bhaiyya?’

‘First set your intention to live mindfully through the day,’ said Rakesh. ‘Give full attention to

every activity - whether you are walking, sitting, brushing teeth, eating, driving, going out of the

door, drinking a cup of tea  etc. Every moment is an opportunity to practice mindfulness, to be

fully present. When your mind wanders bring it back to what you are doing.’

‘Well, that can be done,’ said Rinku. ‘And if we practice mindfulness, you’re saying it will help

us get better in our work?’

‘Yes,’ said Rakesh. ‘Firstly, the quality of your work improves because you are 100% there – not

distributed in the past or the future. Secondly, since your results improve, you feel good about

yourself. Thirdly, you find your home at work which means that nothing can bore you anymore.’

‘But bhaiyya,’ said Rahul. ‘How about obstacles at work? How can we practice mindfulness

amidst all these distractions?’

‘Good question,’ said Rakesh. ‘Whatever work we do, obstacles will be there. So accept them

and be prepared to handle them – mindfully. Make conscious, mindful choices to reduce

distractions like your smart phone by checking it only at designated times. Increase mindfulness

practice by creating a space for mindful breathing, practicing mindfulness while walking, sitting,

sleeping. Be mindful of the words you use while speaking.’

‘Sometimes my emotions take over,’ said Rahul.’ How can I be mindful when there’s fear,

anger, frustration?’

‘When emotions arise, go into them mindfully,’ said Rakesh. ‘Let them go as they arise. If you

are not mindful when emotions arise, you will end up fuelling these emotions with your thoughts

and build bigger stories that hijack you. To be mindful when emotions arise, breathe

abdominally. Follow your breath and bring body awareness. When you bring awareness back to

your body, you are back to the present from your hijacked story. When angry, don't say anything

until you calm down. Be mindful of the effect of your thoughts, words and actions. As you

practice mindfulness in your communication, you will listen and speak with compassion.’

‘But this is all sounding like work,’ said Rahul.

‘Don't confuse joy and happiness with excitement,’ laughed Rakesh. ‘You can get momentary

thrills from your mind by checking out something mindless on the phone, but creating something

of value, something original, even a moment of real joy and happiness, requires you to be

mindful and present. By being mindful, you can practice being compassionate with yourself, the

world, your work. Everything will engage you, will be enjoyable. There will be no difference

between work or play.’

‘Wow, worth practicing bhaiyya,’ said Rinku. ‘It does seem to have many benefits.’

Pro Tip: To enjoy your work and to do quality work, practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is

bringing full attention to the present moment. When you’re fully engaged, you do not get bored.

You find deep fulfillment and creative insights that enhance the quality of your work and your

life, leading to enjoyment and happiness.


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