Theory of Multiple Intelligences

‘Rinku, did you hear that Akshay has chosen to concentrate on music as a career?’ asked Rahul. ‘I am

quite amazed at his decision.’

‘That way Zeeshan has opted for a career in tennis too,’ said Rinku. ‘It’s quite interesting to see them

make such choices.’ ‘It makes me wonder what makes them make such choices,’ said Rahul. ‘For us it’s

the conventional choices. Study science, work hard, build a career. What makes them decide so early? A

special talent?’

‘It is a good question,’ said Rakesh. ‘We normally look at cognitive abilities as being a sign of general

intelligence. Being good at languages, math or science are somehow more valued than others.’ ‘How

exactly do they define intelligence bhaiyya?’ asked Rinku.

‘Gardner’s definition of intelligence was defined broadly as the ‘potential to process information that

can be used to create products or solve problems of value,’ said Rakesh. ‘Perhaps it was interpreted as

the intelligence that can fetch you a ready job – like languages and sciences do generally.’ ‘True

bhaiyya,’ said Rinku. ‘It’s a rather narrow way of looking at our talents. I wish there was a way in which

we can figure whether we are good at other things like music and tennis.’

‘There is an interesting study by an American psychologist named Howard Gardner that cites,’ said Rakesh. ‘Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences says that students

must not be narrowly judged only on their cognitive abilities or general intelligence. He identified eight

types of intelligences that we posses - linguistic, logical or mathematical, spatial, bodily or kinesthetic,

musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalist. Now we all have one or more of these intelligences

but if we keep our eyes and ears open, we can spot where a child’s intelligence lies in these eight areas.

Then we work on that intelligence instead of working on something they are not great at. Sachin

Tendulkar as a cricketer and AR Rahman as a musician are far more useful to society than in

conventional careers.’

‘Wow,’ said Rinku. ‘It does make more sense. What exactly are these 8 intelligences about?’ ‘Linguistic

intelligence is the ability to grasp and express oneself in spoken and written language, a capacity to use

language to achieve a certain goal,’ said Rakesh. ‘Any careers you can think of for them?’

‘Oh yes…speakers, lawyers, writers, authors, poets, journalists, hosts of TV shows,’ reeled off Rinku.

‘And what can logical and mathematical intelligence be used for bhaiyya?’ ’Logical intelligence is the

capacity to analyse problems logically and investigate issues scientifically,’ said Rakesh. ‘This is the

domain of mathematicians, scientists, accountants , computer analysts, statisticians and other such.’

‘What’s this spatial intelligence bhaiyya?’ asked Rahul. ‘Do they go to space?’

‘They have an ability to conceive, design and manipulate spaces effectively,’ smiled Rakesh. ‘Like pilots,

surgeons, sculptors, architects, graphic designers and interior designers.’

‘I get it,’ said Rinku. ‘My cousin has a great sense of how to use space. She changes things ever so

slightly and voila, everything changes. Thankfully she’s studying architecture.’ ‘Nice,’ said Rakesh. ‘And

people with kinesthetic or bodily intelligence use their body to solve problems. Dancers, sportspeople,

mechanics, singers, carpenters, physiotherapists are careers they can be good at. Zeeshan must have

figured that his kinesthetic intelligence is high.’

‘And musical intelligence must be the ability to sing, perform, compose or appreciate musical patterns,’

said Rahul. ‘So they can pursue careers in singing, composing, being a DJ or a musician. Like Akshay.’

Yes,’ said Rakesh. ‘Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand the intentions, motivations and

desires of others so we can work effectively with them. Teachers, psychologists, managers, sales

people, public relations people, administrators– these careers open up to people with good inter

personal skills.’ ‘Nice,’ said Rahul. ‘I fancy myself in those jobs. How is Intrapersonal intelligence

different from this one bhaiyya?’

‘Intrapersonal intelligence is the ability to understand oneself’ said Rakesh. ‘It helps to use oneself

effectively by building a good working model based on one’s strengths and weaknesses fears, desires,

and capacities. Careers as therapists, counsellors, psychologists, entrepreneurs or spiritual careers

beckon.’ ‘I can guess what naturalist intelligence is,’ said Rinku. ‘It has something to do with nature, flora

and fauna right?’ ‘Yes,’ said Rakesh. ‘You’re right. People with the naturalist intelligence find nature

fascinating. They take easily to a career as a botanist, biologist, meteorologist, astronomers, geologists

etc. People like Jane Goodall are naturalists.’

‘Wow,’ said Rinku. ‘This makes so much sense than simply categorising people based on marks in exams.

Many times these other intelligences are suppressed to favour cognitive intelligence bhaiyya. I

remember my mother would tell me that singing would never fetch me money and stopped my singing

lessons. If people could only look at the various intelligences a child is showing, we would not need to

box them into careers they may not fit into or are good at.’

‘Exactly,’ said Rahul. ‘Just knowing about this is freeing. I always felt I was a little dumb compared to the

logical and mathematical guys. Now I know that they are a little compromised in the bodily and

kinesthetic area compared to me. Makes me feel much better.’

‘Absolutely,’ said Rakesh. ‘Understand that we are all different and we do not need to fit into the same

boxes. You can certainly pursue a career of your choice but we can use this information to help make

choices. There are many tests online to test your multiple intelligences. You can find out what you are

good at and pursue that. Or you can even develop intelligences that you are not strong on to help in

your chosen career once you know what you’re good at and what you’re not.’

‘Thanks bhaiyya,’ said Rahul. ‘That was very valuable indeed.’

Pro Tip: People are unique and have different abilities and skills. An eagle cannot do what a horse can

and vice versa. Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences lists eight different types of

intelligences that people have. Don’t try to box yourself into one, if you have a natural intelligence for

some other.


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