Is Being Ambitious Bad?

 ‘Bhaiyya,’ said Rahul. ‘Venkat’s super ambitious. He wants to be the richest man in India, richer than his richy rich father.’

‘I don’t understand bhaiyya,’ said Rinku. ‘Shouldn’t we be happy with what we have? Why this greed for more?’

‘What’s wrong with Venkat wanting more?’ asked Rakesh. ‘Being happy with what we have is good. But if he can use his energy and intelligence to create greater value for greater good, why not? Why be happy with a mud hut when we can build a palace of great beauty?’

‘But won’t we become greedy if we think like that?’ asked Rinku.

‘You’re confusing ambition with greed,’ said Rakesh. ‘Ambition is a strong desire to achieve something great, something bigger and beyond yourself. Greed is a selfish desire to want whatever’s available only for yourself, at others cost. One is creative, the other destructive.’

‘How bhaiyya?’ asked Rahul.

‘See, Venkat can achieve his ambition of being rich by building a product or a company that benefits millions, creating abundant wealth for himself and others in the process,’ said Rakesh. ‘By creating value, he changes status quo, raises standards and inspires others. Or, he can be greedy, fill his coffers at others expense, lower standards, create scarcity and harm others.’

‘Isn’t it a thin line bhaiyya?’ said Rahul. ‘Don’t ambitious people become greedy, ruthless, selfish and take shortcuts to fulfill their ambitions? Venkat doesn’t have time for us anymore. He’s become selfish.’

‘Rahul, to create anything of great value, one needs to focus considerable energies on it,’ said Rakesh. ‘An ambitious person sets clear priorities and focuses on them. It’s not being selfish, it’s focusing on what’s important to him. However, if an ambitious person loses sight of his basic principles, he becomes greedy, selfish and ruthless like you said. He takes lazy shortcuts and harms others.  That’s when he needs to ground himself, refocus, and find creative, ethical ways to fulfill his ambitions. Bottom line, ambition channeled correctly grows, while greed stunts and regresses.’

‘And bhaiyya,’ asked Rinku. ‘Can we be ambitious and content at the same time?’

‘Yes, of course’ smiled Rakesh. ‘Be content with all you have and take good care of it. At the same time, be ambitious and aim to be the best in whatever you are pursuing and grow yourself first, then others. Be grateful for your bike, house and relationships and maintain them well. But also aspire to improve on them. Have ambitious plans to acquire a car, a better house and more meaningful relationships, where everyone grows.’

‘Thanks bhaiyya,’ said Rahul. ‘I’m for ambition. Not greed.’

Pro Tip: Be ambitious with your plans. Seek the highest potential in whatever you pursue. It creates value and grows everyone. When you face challenges don’t take short cuts, harm others or grab greedily. Look for creative solutions that grow everyone instead.



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