Energy Management and High Performance

 ‘Ankita turns high quality work in all areas,’ said Rinku. ‘And so easily and tirelessly.’

‘Yes, said Rahul. ‘We put in longer hours and get tired which affects our performance. She aces everything and still has lots of energy left. How?’

‘It’s about her energy management,’ said Rakesh. ‘In ‘The Power of Full Engagement’ authors Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz say high performances result from managing energy, not time.’

 ‘What’s managing energy bhaiyya?’ asked Rahul.

‘Good energy management is optimizing the energy of our ‘performance pyramid’ – our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects,’ said Rakesh. ‘We then access the right quality, quantity, focus and force of energy which changes the quality of our thoughts, behaviours and actions resulting in high performance. We basically engage with life fully leading to great results.’

‘Whoa,’ said Rinku. ‘Never thought energy management had so much to it. So, energy management helps us to work longer hours without getting tired?’

‘Nope,’ smiled Rakesh. ‘Unlike popular practice, overdoing or underdoing, depletes energy and leads to performance issues. The key to optimum energy management is ‘oscillation’, spending and renewing energy rhythmically, at periodic intervals. Elite sportsmen call this work-rest training process Periodisation.’

‘What’s that bhaiyya?’ asked Rinku.

‘Oscillation balances our energy spending with energy renewal,’ said Rakesh. ‘We normally work linearly, long hours without recovery, thereby spending more energy than we renew leading to fatigue, burnout and other performance and health consequences. Instead, it’s best if we work in focused 90-120 minutes stretches, considered an ideal period of alertness for the human body, and fully disengage and recover for 15 minutes. This 15 minute recovery phase is important. So, build specific rituals for your recovery - a walk, listening to music, meeting people, whatever works best. Fully engage and then engage fully with renewed energy. Try it.’

‘How can we disengage when we’re overwhelmed with work bhaiyya?’ asked Rinku.

‘To optimize energy and performance you must disengage and recover,’ said Rakesh. ‘Over time, work on building greater capacity, like we build strength in the gym, by pushing past your current physical, emotional, mental, spiritual limits, with adequate recovery. Building capacity in your performance pyramid results in more energy to spend, leading to better productivity and a happier life. You can try it at an individual and an organisational level. Find your work-rest oscillation rhythm and you’ll see a marked difference in your energy and work.’

‘I’ll apply the oscillation technique right away bhaiyya,’ said Rahul. ’90-120 minutes of focused work with 15 minute renewals.’

Pro Tip: High performance without burnout comes from managing your energy well. To manage energy use the oscillation technique – engage fully in focused work for 90-120 minutes and then fully disengage for 15 minutes for renewal of energy. Develop specific renewal rituals to build the right energy management habits over a long period.


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