The Most Important Ability Of All -Deservability

 Ankur didn’t get selected for the college basketball team,’ said Rinku. ‘He puts in so much effort into his game. He so deserved to be picked.’ 

‘Manish got selected instead,’ said Rahul. ‘He’s isn’t half as good. He doesn’t deserve to be in the team. Very unfair.’

‘But Manish made it and Ankur didn’t,’ said Rakesh. ‘Which tells us it’s not just skill and hard work. Ankur’s missing an important ability that Manish has.’

‘What bhaiyya?’ asked Rahul.  

‘Deserve-ability – your belief about what you deserve,’ said Rakesh. ‘Despite great talent, hard work and doing everything right, if you feel you don’t deserve success, you’ll not get it. On the other hand, someone with lesser talent but a stronger belief that he deserves everything, gets it.’

‘That’s crazy,’ asked Rinku. ‘How bhaiyya?’

‘Because we don’t get what we deserve, we get what we expect,’ said Rakesh. ‘Not getting tickets after waiting longest in line, getting the worst seats, not getting a piece of cake when everyone gets it, others getting ideal partners, opportunities, success, while we’re left with “why-does-it-always-happen-to-me”  stories. Familiar?’  

‘True bhaiyya,’ said Rahul. ‘Very unfair.’

‘It’s not unfairness,’ laughed Rakesh. ‘It our low deservability at play. Fact is we can’t handle the good even if it comes to us – opportunity, success, people – because we feel we aren’t good enough. Our low-deservability energy shows up like a sign around our neck saying ‘I don’t deserve this, I don’t want this, give it to someone else.’ We find ways to miss out even if we got selected, simply because we believe we don’t deserve any good.’ 

‘You’re right,’ said Rinku. ‘Ankur got selected last time but injured himself and missed out. But why would anyone do that?’

‘Our old beliefs and experiences unknowingly influence our deserve-ability,’ said Rakesh. ‘But now that we’re aware, we must improve our deserve-ability. Higher our deservability, more good we allow into our life. For each of your hard-luck stories ask yourself honestly – do I really believe I deserve it? Then work on improving your deserve-ability.’

 ‘Bhaiyya, how can we improve our deserveability?’ asked Rahul.

‘By expecting the best outcomes in every situation because you deserve it,’ said Rakesh. ‘Change your ‘won’t-happen’ beliefs and self-talk. Act like you deserve the best. Push past your undeserving zone and do little things that makes you feel deserving –sit in the front row, ask for extra helpings, take the best seats first. Pamper yourself. Take risks. Be seen. Be heard. With practice, your deserve-ability improves. Things flow easily.’

‘Thanks bhaiyya,’ said Rinku. ‘I deserve the best as I am, right now.’

Pro Tip: Along with hard work and the right processes, work on this key ability – deserve-ability. When you believe you deserve the best and expect the best, your capacity to receive immense good into your life expands.



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